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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Design Your Own Tumblr Background - Wild

Hey everyone, are you ready for Monday? NOT! LOL
Most of you kids should should be out of school so it should be all good for you.

Well, I have something to make Monday a little more fun, something a bit different.
As you know, I really enjoy making textures and especially making them for your favorite places like Tumblr and Blogger. I put a lot of thought into what I post for you and sometimes I am just not sure what you are looking for. I guess I could take a poll. LOL
Or I can just give to you the tools to make what you want yourself. Hee Hee.
So what I have for you here is your very own Design Your Own Tumblr background Kit, an entire kit to make those backgrounds the way that you want them. Everything you see in this preview is included in the Kit.
This is just the first kit, there will be more to follow so stay tuned.

Within this Kit you have everything you need to design your own Tumblr Background. 

File includes 1 Background Image that is already sized for Tumblr at 1680x1050 and 21 Doodads to decorate your background with.

Now, if you want to resize the background smaller you can resize it to 1280x1024 which will work just as well.

Dont forget to change the following line in your Tumblr Custom HTML

top left fixed repeat  to this  top left fixed no-repeat

To start your designing...

Just unzip the file and open contents in Photoshop or any other program that will open PNG files.

The Doodads (decorations):) are already cut out for you, all you have to do is drag them to your background once they are open in your editing program.
Rearrange them they that you wish then flatten your image if you choose to and your background is ready for Tumblr.

If you have any problems at all using these files please feel free to contact me at

or follow the contact form on my home page.

I would be glad to answer any questions or help you in any way that I can.

Have fun!


PS-Inspiration for this idea came from The Scrappin Cop and Pixel Scrapper.
I just love both of these sites and could spend all day there. LOL

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