Free Photoshop resources. Textures, Actions, Backgrounds, Brushes and Totally Free Stock Photography.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Any Questions

Sissy is our talker, she always has so much to say and as long as you answer her questions she will just keep right on asking them. LOL 

She is so different than Mikey, sometimes I wonder how they could be related but they are related. Sissy has her own way and though it may not be the same as Mikey's way, it is every bit as loving.

Model is Sissy

You're my only truth

I don't need a lot of things,
I can get by with nothing
Of all the blessings life can bring,
I've always needed something
But I've got all I want
When it comes to loving you
You're my only reason,
You're my only truth

You're the hope that moves me
To courage again
You're the love that rescues me
When the cold winds rage
And it's so amazing
'Cause that's just how you are
And I can't turn back now
'Cause you've brought me too far

I need you like water
Like breath, like rain
I need you like mercy
From Heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you

Leann Rimes Lyrics


Alex is my baby....I just adore this cat so much. He has a personality that is just over the top...he is so full of life all the time, looking for something to get into. Nothing gets passed him either. On this day Alex was fascinated by my magic rocks (magnetic rocks), everytime I would get one near the other and he would see it slide across the floor, he would get this look on his face. Needless to say My daughter and I spent a good hour being so entertained by this. LOL We just laughed and laughed. Our cats bring so much to our world and the laughter is endless  Alex is the youngest of my cats, he just turned 5 years old

Maybe Just a Peek

Little Miss scared of her own shadow. LOL
This is Sissy and she is the only one out of my 5 cats that has never even attempted an escape. Sissy and Mikey are litter mates so she is also nine years old and has been perfectly  happy with her indoor life.
But every once in while when she thinks no one is looking, I catch her sneaking a peek.

Model is Sissy

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

He Owns Me

Watching you play outside today without your leash made my heart sing
Even though you knew you were still confined,
you appreciated being able to to roam that area free from that harness
I don't like the that thing either, it makes me feel like I own you and we both know it is YOU who owns ME.

Today was beautiful, the way you searched under leaves and climbed that tree
And the fact that you love the smell of flowers too makes me smile.
I could sit and watch you explore for hours
Being with you just makes me happy

Well, I have started taking Mikey out into our garden which is fenced in, it's a pretty big area and he can at least roam free in there without being tethered to me. Don't get me wrong, Mikey does ok on his leash and all but it just seems better for him to be able to check stuff out on his own. He is such a good boy, most of the time he just wants to roll around in the dirt, eat some bamboo and then he is ready to go in. He doesn't ask for much, though he could and he would get it. LOL

Model is Mikey sporting his new summer hair cut.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Design Your Own Tumblr Background - Wild

Hey everyone, are you ready for Monday? NOT! LOL
Most of you kids should should be out of school so it should be all good for you.

Well, I have something to make Monday a little more fun, something a bit different.
As you know, I really enjoy making textures and especially making them for your favorite places like Tumblr and Blogger. I put a lot of thought into what I post for you and sometimes I am just not sure what you are looking for. I guess I could take a poll. LOL
Or I can just give to you the tools to make what you want yourself. Hee Hee.
So what I have for you here is your very own Design Your Own Tumblr background Kit, an entire kit to make those backgrounds the way that you want them. Everything you see in this preview is included in the Kit.
This is just the first kit, there will be more to follow so stay tuned.

Within this Kit you have everything you need to design your own Tumblr Background. 

File includes 1 Background Image that is already sized for Tumblr at 1680x1050 and 21 Doodads to decorate your background with.

Now, if you want to resize the background smaller you can resize it to 1280x1024 which will work just as well.

Dont forget to change the following line in your Tumblr Custom HTML

top left fixed repeat  to this  top left fixed no-repeat

To start your designing...

Just unzip the file and open contents in Photoshop or any other program that will open PNG files.

The Doodads (decorations):) are already cut out for you, all you have to do is drag them to your background once they are open in your editing program.
Rearrange them they that you wish then flatten your image if you choose to and your background is ready for Tumblr.

If you have any problems at all using these files please feel free to contact me at

or follow the contact form on my home page.

I would be glad to answer any questions or help you in any way that I can.

Have fun!


PS-Inspiration for this idea came from The Scrappin Cop and Pixel Scrapper.
I just love both of these sites and could spend all day there. LOL

13 Free Tumblr Backgrounds For the Guys

Ok, so it's been brought to my attention lately that most of my Tumblr backgrounds are not what you would Friendly. LOL
So I decided to take a look and you know, they have a point. :)
Well, that just didn't seem so fair so I decided to create a set of Tumblr Backgrounds with you guys in mind. Now that doesn't mean you girls can't use them, if you like them they are free for you to use as well. LOL
I try to post a new set of Tumblr Backgrounds weekly and I promise from here on out to try and keep the male gender included in my work. So check back, you will find something that won't be so frilly.

And here they are....


This set of Tumblr Backgrounds come in one size 1680x1050.
If you would like an alternative size you can re-size them to 1280x1024. 

If you have Photoshop, you can download my Tumblr re-sizers here.

To Download backgrounds...
Under the background you want, just click download.
Or you can click on the image, Just Right click and Save As
Preview opens at 1680x1050

Make sure you change the following line in your Tumblr Custom HTML
top left fixed repeat to this top left fixed no-repeat

If you need help with adding a background click here.

As always, my Tumblr Backgrounds are FREE to download and use as you wish.
Just don't claim them as your own and we are all good. :)



Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (2).jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (3).jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (4).jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (5).jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds.jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (6).jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (7).jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (8).jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (9).jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (11).jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (12).jpg

Tumblr Guy Backgrounds (13).jpg

Crazy Over Me

Mama, I found someone
Like you said would come along
He's a sight, so unlike
Any man I've known
I was afraid to let him in
'Cause I'm not the trusting kind
But now I'm convinced
That he's heaven sent
And must be out of his mind

Mama, he's crazy
Crazy over me
And in my life is where he says
He always wants to be
I've never been so loved
He beats all I've ever seen
Mama, he's crazy
He's crazy over me

And, Mama, you've always said
Better look before you leap
Maybe so, but here I go
Lettin' my heart lead me
He thinks I hung the moon and stars
I think he's a livin' dream
Well, there are men
But ones like him
Are few and far between

Mama, he's crazy
Crazy over me
And in my life is where he says
He always wants to be
I've never been so loved
He beats all I've ever seen
Mama, he's crazy
He's crazy over me
Oh, Mama, he's crazy
He's crazy over me


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Some say love...

Some say love, it is a river
that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed.

Some say love, it is a hunger
an endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower
and you its only seed.

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance,
It's the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give
and the soul afraid of dying, that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long,
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong.

Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows
lies the seed
that with the sun's love
in the spring
becomes the rose

I have heard this song a gazillion times as a kid but you know, I don't think I ever got it until now. 
Sure I thought it was a pretty song and I even knew the words back then, but there was no way without living a little that I could ever understand the meaning within these lyrics.I understand now;
 as life has sent me on my journey and though I still have much living yet to do, 
I have been through enough that when I listened to this song today, it brought tears to my eyes. 
What a beautiful song this is, I am so glad I listened to it once again.

As for the photograph which is the reason I went and listened to the song in the first place...

This was our experiment with glitter and water on our flowers,
Haley and I thought it would be fun to see what it would look like. 
She is pleased with the result and so am I.  
And yes, this is the kinda stuff we do for fun now a days. LOL

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


This is the look  that Mikey gets after he has tried to get his way by first meowing so loudly, then sucking up, rubbing his head on my legs. when these attempts fail, which I assure you doesn't happen too often, he then pouts. When this attempt also fails which again, I reassure you, happens very little....he then gets this little 'whatever" look on his face after a long sigh. He doesn't know how cute this face is. LOL

Model is Mikey....Whatever
Sunday, June 3, 2012

5 Free Texture Overlays

This Set includes 5 Texture Overlays in PNG format 
They are 2888x1592 in size. 
All were made from photographs and then processed in CS5. 
This is a free download and you may use these overlays as you wish just don't claim them as your own. Have fun...enjoy. 

Lace Texture Overlay 1

Lace Texture Overlay 2

Lace Texture Overlay 3

Lace Texture Overlay 4

Lace Texture Overlay 5

7 Free Textured Facebook Timeline Covers

Well, by request, I have made some Facebook Timeline Covers from my Punchy Tumblr Backgrounds. 
I have also added a few new ones to the bunch so I hope you like them.

My Facebook Timeline Covers are the standard 851x315. 
All covers are made from my own photographs and then processed in CS5. 
They are Free to download and use in any of your profiles on any of the social media sites. 
There is no need to credit me if you use them just don't claim them as your own.
If you need help using these covers please read 
how to Add a Cover Photo in Facebook's Help Center.

To Download just follow the link below each Timeline Cover or you can click on the 
Timeline Cover Image then 'right click' and 'Save Image As'.
Preview opens at 851x315.

Blue Fields Facebook Timeline Cover

Blue pink flowers Facebook Timeline Cover

Dark Blue pink Flowers Facebook Timeline Cover

Pink Flowers Facebook Timeline Cover

Pink white hearts Facebook Timeline Cover

Sky Flowers Facebook Timeline Cover

pink fence Facebook Timeline Cover

9 Free Lace Textures

This Set includes 9 Textures at 3888x2592 
All were made from photographs and then processed in CS5. 

As always this is a free download and you may use the textures as you wish just don't claim them as your own. Have fun...enjoy.