Free Photoshop resources. Textures, Actions, Backgrounds, Brushes and Totally Free Stock Photography.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Free January Textures

My Textures are 3888x2592
They are made from real photographs
and then processed in CS5.
As always they are FREE to download and use as you wish just don't claim them as your own.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Get What I Want Face

And it so works for him like you would not believe, this cat has me wrapped around his little paw and he knows it. LOL

Model is best friend.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Free Desktop Winter Wallpaper

This download includes 6 resolution sizes....

Also includes the full size image at 3888x2916 in case you want to re-size it yourself to a resolution that I have not included or use it for something else.

The only rule I have is that you do not claim this as your own. I have submitted it to Wallpapers because it looks good as a Wallpaper but you are free to use it as you wish, no need to credit me unless you want to.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

FREE Lighten Up Action

Actions are not really my gig, I do the texture thing but I do make some actions for my own use with my photography, it just makes processing a gazillion photos a lot easier, especially when I have taken 300 or so in a low light environment which is when I use this action the most.
It seems to work pretty well and so I thought I would share it with you and maybe it could help you also with your own processing.

As with all of my resources, there are no rules, use as you wish just don't claim as your own and we are all good. Ok maybe that is a rule. LOL But that should be an easy one.
Hope you find it useful.

Action was created in CS5

Photograph used in this preview belongs to me and the Model is Mikey.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Remembering Roo...the Video

Well, I finally finished the video, I feel better now, it's been my therapy.
I tried to finish this a couple of weeks ago but it was too difficult trying to get through the song without losing it.
Today felt right, I spent much time yesterday, on Christmas, soul searching, coming to terms with life. Haley and I hung Roo's stocking on the tree next to his grave which somehow made us both feel better, Roo liked Christmas, more than the other cats and so we knew Christmas day would feel a bit sad without him here. To our surprise, it felt much different than sad, we talked about him openly and smiled a lot remembering him, we will never forget.

So today I decided to finish his video....

Monday, November 28, 2011

Roo was put to Rest today

I knew when I looked at him this morning that today was his last day, he looked defeated. I called Dr. Peggy's clinic and they didn't hesitate, we went right in. I had Roo wrapped in his blanket not in his carrier and I held him as Dr. Peggy made it all better. I will not soon forget the look on Dr. Peggy's face but I know I will cherish that look always. Her look told me that she understood, that it hurt her too and it made all the difference in the world.

Roo died in my arms.

Tonight Roo is buried in his grave underneath two oak trees in my garden, this is the first time he has been outside since he came here and it hurts my heart leaving him out there but I know this is his resting place, it just hurts.

I miss you Roo, I so miss you.
Friday, November 25, 2011

Mikey's 3rd Homepage Feature on Redbubble...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

When People Show You Who They Are....

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Playground Textures

My Playground textures are 3888x2592.
They are made from real photographs
and then processed in CS3.
As always they are FREE to download and use as you wish.
Just don't claim them as your own.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I just want to be the only girl

Would you walk to the edge of the ocean just to fill my jar with sand
Just in case I get the notion
To let it run through my hand, let it run through my hand

Well, I don't want the whole world, the sun and moon and all their light I just want to be the only girl, You love all your life, you love all your life

Would you catch a couple thousand fireflies, put them in a lamp to light my world, all dressed up in tux and bow tie hand delivered to a lonely girl, to a lonely, lonely girl.

Well, I don't want the whole world
The sun and moon and all their light
I just want to be the only girl, You love all your life
You love all your life

Free Assorted Textures

I have been so out of it lately with my kitty Roo being sick that I haven't even been able to focus on anything creative. I did manage these though, an assorted bunch. LOL

As always, they are free to download and use as you wish, no need to credit me just don't claim them as your own.

Download Assorted Textures Here
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

So Much More

Being a mother is so much more than I ever knew before I actually became one. When we think of being a mommy while we are younger, we never really see past the fairytale that we have imagined in our minds.

My Fairytale didn’t include worry, stress, anxiety, fear, heartbreak and never really sleeping again.

My mom just made it all look so easy, I know now though that it was never easy.

But with this life that is no Fairytale I also never imagined how much I could love another human being. How seeing her smile could make my day and hearing her laugh would touch my heart. I didn’t realize that the hugs from my child would feel so good or that scribbling on a piece of paper that a child says is just for you…could mean so much.

And most of all…I never imagined the pride…yes, the feeling of being so proud of your child that you feel like you are going to just start screaming at the top of your lungs
“This beautiful, wonderful little girl is MINE”

She is mine and her name is Haley and I am so proud of the little person that she has become. Seeing her now, going to school, interacting with her friends, embracing responsibility and enjoying all that she is learning during this new chapter in her life makes me just want to start jumping up and down like a crazy person because she is such a joy and I am so blessed and so grateful that I get to be her mother.

She is so much more than any fairytale could be.
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Roo Needs Help

This is Roo back in 2008 when I rescued him. I’m sure you can see here why it was so easy to fall for him. As cute as it was with his little tongue sticking out, it was actually quite sad because the reason it was sticking out was do to all of the swelling in his mouth from severe pharyngitis.
Roo had a great life until his owner/Mommy passed away, the elderly lady fell down outside while feeding Roo one evening an later died due to complications from her injuries. Roo was blamed by a family member who would was then responsible for caring for Roo. Well, she didn’t care for him at all, instead, she banned him from the house, left him outside to fend for himself…for over a year. By the time I was alerted to his situation he was very ill, severely malnourished, Severe pharyngitis, an enlarged kidney and he was matted from head to toe. Recommendation from the veterinarian in 2008 was euthanasia.Well that didn’t happen. I decided that Roo at least need a chance...he was so loving and was so happy when I brought him to my house and fed him, cleaned him up and gave him some loves. There was just so much life left in his eyes, I couldn't take it away without trying.
Here is Roo at six pounds the day I brought him home...

And here is Roo now at 12 pounds....

Roo has been pretty healthy these last few years. I changed vets after that last one told me to put him down, I found a veterinarian that thought Roo deserved a chance too. Roo suffers from severe feline periodontal disease and Stomatitis. The vet said that he should have all teeth extracted which he only has a few but she said back then that we could try to manage this with antibiotics due to the fact that I couldn't afford the surgery. Until now, he has done fairly well but last week I noticed one of his eyes looked watery, I thought it was a cold until a few days after that when I noticed the swelling and the dilation of just that one eye.

Well, turns out Roo has a Tooth Root Abscess and the Abscess is up under his eye. We have tried antibiotics but the tooth needs to be extracted the cost will be at least $500.00 and I don't have it.

I don't like asking people for anything so this is difficult but Roo needs help and so here I am asking for help.

It is breaking my heart to see him this way, his face is all puffy and it hurts. He has been through so much already, he doesn't deserve this to happen to him. He is suppose to be one of the lucky one's, he found a forever home and people who love him sooo much. I just don't want it to end this way, it's not fair.

I know times are tough for all of us now and I understand if you cannot help but if you can we would be so grateful.

I am going to try and sell my camera and put the money towards Roo's care.

Thank you.

PS- I will provide accounting for funds donated.
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Does Anyone Need a Google + Invite?

Ok, so I have had some time to check out the all mighty Google + and though I have only been there a short time, I am really enjoying it.
It took me a while to even want to check it out, I am so stubborn when it comes to these things things, I get comfortable and it takes a lot to get me to step out of my comfort zone. I did the same thing when everyone told me to check out Redbubble also, my home since 2008 has been Deviantart and I had no desire to spread my wings. LOL Needless to say, I did just that.
Though I will always be a diehard Deviant, I eventually gave Redbubble a try and I am so thankful I did because it quickly became my home away from home.
And then Google+ came along.....Wow!
I will never give up my Bubble or DA but this Google + thing is pretty cool.
So if you haven't had the chance to check it out, now is your chance.
Just leave your email here or email me at, make sure you mention the invite in the subject line and I will be happy to send you an invite.

Hope your weekend is going great!

You won't be sorry.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Color Grunge Texture Five

Hello all...sorry I have been so busy lately, I have been neglecting you. (shame) LOL
But I am here now with a brand new texture for you that I hope you will LOVE!
There is more to come...
This is Five of my Color Grunge Collection, the texture is a large 3888 x 2587 and made from a real photograph then processed in CS3. As always this is FREE for you to download and use as you wish. No need to credit me just don't claim as your own and it's all good. Hope you like them...enjoy!