Free Photoshop resources. Textures, Actions, Backgrounds, Brushes and Totally Free Stock Photography.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Magical Textures Sets 4 & 5

Here are sets 4 & 5 of my Magical Textures, I hope you like them.
There are no rules or conditions, they are free for you to use as you wish.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I am a different person today

It is no secret that I am an animal lover, anyone who knows me or even of me knows this about me. But up until recently, I have also been a meat eater, not realizing the contradiction here. I was raised eating meat, though I don’t have much of a taste for it, it’s always been on the menu, frying chicken and barbecuing steaks, ham sandwiches and hot dogs, eggs and bacon etc….

How many of us never put a face on these everyday foods we eat? We go to the store and everything is so neatly packaged so we don’t see the faces. They don’t want us to see the suffering, the pain, what really goes on behind closed doors. They don’t want us to see how our food gets on our plates because they know that most of would never buy meat again if we did know.

I cannot count the times I have been to McDonald's, I have kids and because of that stupid toy, I have helped to fund the murders of so many animals. That’s the bottom line. Every time I have purchased meat in the grocery store too, I have given my support to the blood shed.

No More.

What was the turning point for me?

All of us get little tidbits of information here and there, the photographs, and the videos, the articles. Historically, I would not look at them or watch them or read them, I would immediately turn the page, get off the website and I would tell myself that I could not look at that stuff.

Really? And I call myself an animal lover?  That doesn’t make sense. All it did was allow me to continue to look the other way and spare myself the guilt, the reality that I have contributed to the absolute cruelty that goes on in our world for the sake of appetite.

I decided it was time to face the demons and now it is all so clear to me.

I won’t post any images or even links for you, this is something that has to happen in your own time but hopefully it will happen at some time.

I Googled it and sifted through it all.

I am a different person today.

I do feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest, but you know what?

I am not going to ever eat meat again and that is a fact.

I feel deceived in so many ways, the way the industry keeps so much from us. I think we all have a right to know what is going on. I always knew the animals were being killed, I am not an idiot. But I never really looked at it.

Well I have looked at now, the abuse, the cruelty and it made my stomach turn.

Animals are dying every second for us to eat but they are not just dying, they are being murdered in such cold blood.

For some reason I always had this impression that the animals died in a different way, humanely I guess. I didn’t think as human beings we would be capable killing animals any other way on regular basis.

There is nothing humane about the way these animals are being treated or how they are dying all in the name of food and research and hunting for sport.

None of it will change unless we make it change. 

I know there has to be many of you out there that are like me. Just because you haven’t done the research doesn’t mean you don’t love animals. It’s difficult to see the images and that’s how you know that you do care because if you didn’t care it wouldn’t bother you to read the stories or see the abuse.  I use to say that I didn’t need to see all that stuff to know what was going on but I will tell you this….

Knowing what is going on and actually doing something to help stop it are two different things. Seeing the truth has given me a different feeling inside and not just nausea, it has pushed me over that line between knowing and doing.

I want to do my part; I will no longer contribute to the slaughter. I know I am only one person and some may say that will not matter but it matters to me, the animals matter to me and there is one less person today supporting the industry and that is one person closer to putting an end to the killings.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

American Honey

There's a wild, wild whisper
Blowing in the wind
Calling out my name like a long lost friend
Oh I miss those days as the years go by
Oh nothing's sweeter than summer time
And American honey

Model is Honey
Lyrics by Lady Antebellum 


My animals have taught me to not see breeding, pedigrees, colors, physical or personality oddities. They expect to be accepted for who they are and 'improvement' can only be accomplished through love and encouragement. They don't assume or anticipate. They have no sense of elapsed time and they live for the moment. They respond to kindness and they immediately recognize a loving spirit. They react to how they are treated and always respond appropriately. They don't judge and they forgive. Their communication is natural and direct, without subterfuge or cunning, and every movement has meaning. They notice everything and live by their senses. They don't rely on others opinions and they do nothing for the sake of appearances.They respect their elders and would die for their young. They maintain a hierarchy for survival, not for prestige or arrogance. They are good to themselves. They own nothing, accumulate nothing, and are rich in their simplicity their needs are pure sustenance, and their love and loyalty are without restraint.They do nothing to damage the Earth or threaten our environment.As an imperfect human who respects their perfection, and that of all animals, I can only wonder if 'dominion over the Earth' was granted to the wrong species. And I consider it the supreme human arrogance to suggest that animals do not have souls. How can we flawed humans claim to be the only species created 'in His image," when by their very nature, they are surely closer to the Creator than we are?"

Written By Jim Willis

Model is Mikey
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why Women Love Cats

I never understood why
women love cats.
Cats are independent.
They don`t listen.
They don`t come in
when you call.

They like to stay
out all night.
And when they`re home,
they like to be left alone
and sleep.

In other words,
every quality
that women hate
in a man,
they love
in a cat.



Model is Mikey
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Free Deep Textures

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Haley is sooo's Christmas Eve and it couldn't get here fast enough as far as she is concerned.
I remember what it was like as a kid and I got excited too.

There is something about about Christmas that is just so magical and some may say the magic comes from all the gifts but you know, looking back, my memories are not about the gifts (though I had plenty) the memories that stand out most in my mind are of other things like the way things smell .... the smells of Christmas, LOL
For real though...Christmas wrapping paper doesn't smell like regular wrapping paper, not to me anyway LOL Chrismas has it's own distinct smell. (So I'm a dork, you all knew that already.)
I love decorating the tree and turning off all the lights and drinking hot chocolate, I love the music and driving around looking at Christmas lights, I love making Christmas crafts out of weird things like baby food jars and making pine cones look like little Christmas trees. It's all the little things that make the holidays special.
For me...Christmas is about love and laughter and coming together like at no other time of the year, that's what I remember when I think of Christmas and I hope when Haley is older this will be what she remembers most as well.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all good things for the year ahead.

Model is Miss Haley
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Free Motion Textures

Free Motion Textures Sets 1 & 2

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Cats Are Acting Like Crack Addicts

Up until a month ago, I had perfectly normal acting cats, well...kinda normal anyway.
Then I decided to give the little furballs a treat, I purchased a few bags of "Whiskas Temptations. Seems harmless right? Wrong!
It was all good until I ran out of these little morsels, you would not believe the behavior of these felines unless you witnessed it yourself, it's bizarre. Mikey my deaf cat is just freaking out, he keeps looking at me me and meowing (loudly), he keeps going to the drawer where I usually keep them , looking to find them, he is meowing at the drawer, rolling over in front of it. WOW! When I am not looking he sneaks up behind me while I'm sitting down and does this Kneading/scratching post thing ON MY BACK! When he has my attention he Meows loudly again.
Yes, I know, we are out of treaty weaties.
The rest of them (there are 6 all together) are acting like straight fools, they are now turning on each other.

So now I am off to the store to get their drug, I am so enabling them. LOL

Thank you Whiskas for making a product my cats love so much....really.

BlogUpp! | the blog: Sometimes Less is More

BlogUpp! | the blog: Sometimes Less is More


Here are my Magical Textures sets 1,2 and 3.
All were made from real Bokeh and real textures.

Hope you like them.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's Mikey Time

For more photographs of Mikey you can visit him at Mikey's House
He has his own blog ya know.

It's Mikey Time
Peepin Tomcat
Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Pics

You Saw Me Start to Believe

Stay Here Forever


Bruised Skies

I Color My Own World
Monday, September 6, 2010

Goodbye Grammy

Well Grammy died Saturday evening.
 Haley was there visiting (her dad Dave lives there too) but she was in her room when Grammy passed on. 
Thinking it was best, Haley's dad called me and I went to get her.
After being told that Grammy just died Haley didn't show any reaction at that time, she continued on with what she was doing as if nothing had happened. On our drive home I stopped for gas and I adjusted my mirror so I could see her, as soon as she made eye contact with me, she broke down, the tears just start to fall. We both sat there for moment and just cried together.
Grammy has been another parent to Haley her whole life. She would take care of Haley while her dad would work during the week that he would have her. Haley spent a lot of time with her up until this last year. Grammy seemed to be getting tired more but at 78 years, that was expected.
Less than a month ago Grammy went in for not feeling well and looking jaundice, now she is gone. Grammy refused chemo as they said it would only buy her 2 more months to live, she chose instead, to return home and die. Hospice provided her care.

On Saturday when Grammy passed away it became overcast, with dark clouds looming over, the day prior was around 90 degrees. Yesterday it rained for a while and then the clouds began to break up with the sun poking through. Haley and I went outside, she took her umbrella in case it started to rain again.
I had my camera as always and when I glanced over at her she was just standing there looking as if she had been left behind. That is when I took this photograph. She was trying to play but didn't really have it in her. Instead we talked about Grammy. We decided that the reason the sun was coming out was because Grammy made it to heaven.

Grammys name is Marlys Brown

Goodbye Grammy

Free Rustic Textures